Palm oil has sometimes been given a bad rep as being unhealthy, due to the level of trans fats.
We use palm oil which has been treated to strip away as much of the trans fats as possible.
Furthermore, only a very small amount of palm oil is used.
The palm oil is a small sub-ingredient in the creamer ingredient we use in Queal.
The creamer is a complex ingredient with a diversity of compounds that supply a variety of (good) fats and helps create a nice tasty creamy texture to Queal.
In total, there is less than 0.1g of trans fats in a meal of Queal, and less than 0.2g of trans fats in a WundrBar.
This is only 1/50th of the levels of trans fats shown to be associated with an increased risk of heart-diseases.
The little bit of palm oil we use is also sustainably sourced.
We know palm oil is a "dangerous" ingredient when it comes to sustainability.
This is why we have made great effort to find a good source for it.
We use a supplier which has been approved by various environmental organizations, including the WWF.
See for more details.
From Queal 5.0 onward we will not be using palm oil in our powder.